Deployment With all those scripts behind us, we should get a signed IPA in our OUTPUTDIR. From here on, we can use this IPA and distribute it to our testers. A few options are to either upload our IPA with curl to a custom FTP Directory or our XCode Server or some other custom routine. For this example we stay “simple” and upload our App to HockeyApp via curl. »
We are going to pick up where we left off in part one of this series, with our minimal setup using xctool which built our app on Travis CI.
App Signing In the process of creating a valid .ipa package and to deploy our app to a physical device, we need to sign our app with a bunch of certificates and package it. Packaing is the process where the compiled binary, assets and meta files are packaged into an app container (. »
Full disclosure: I wrote this about 1-1.5yrs ago for another company but haven’t updated it yet. There’s a good chance some stuff is broken, I apologize for that and promise to fix it within the next days ;)
Continuous integration has become an important topic and a significant part of a developer’s workflow. Finding bugs and ensuring a stable codebase are among the most important benefits of using continuous integration. »
I’ve been to ReleaseNotes last week. ReleaseNotes is a indie conference mainly centered around the topic on “How to build a business”.
The conference was superb! But more to that later.
One talk that I’ve heard there last week already came back to me, which I like to write about now:
@sh’s talk “How to improve at support as a developer”
The talk centered around the language you use when facing customers and what impact it has between talking like a human being or some neutral robot. »
Two weeks ago I’ve attended the 360iDev conference in Denver. This year was my second year that I attended 360iDev.
For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s an iOS conference focusing on everything related to iOS Development. The conference lasts four days and usually has at least 3-4 different topics going at the same time so that everyone can find a topic they like at any given time. »